Super Meetup – & Videology

Pictured (LtoR) Aaron Lee, Videology technical operations engineers; Karina Mandell, Greater Baltimore Urban League national convention outreach coordinator; Alexandria Leggett, event coordinator; and Rachel Zydyk, events intern

Pictured (LtoR) Misty Melton and Angelique Weger, Girl Develop It Baltimore Chapter leaders; Shervonne Cherry, Spark Baltimore community manager; and Martina Kristianova, Who Staffing technical recruiter

Pictured (LtoR) Bridget McMillen, SummitSync associate product manager; Daniel Gardner, SummitSync director of operations; and Brian Thompson, Mindgrub lead software engineer

Pictured (LtoR) Charles Shaffer, Optomi account exeuctive; Sam Stricker, Optimi talent specialist; Anand Natrajan, Videology senior vice president of engineering; and Kara Miller, Videology talent acquisition director

Pictured (LtoR) Paul McCalla, TranZed employer skills advisor; Shawn Patrick Flaherty, Balti Virtual principal; and Alex Gettings, TranZed apprenticeship skills advisor

Pictured (LtoR) Boris Boiko, UMBC front end web developer; Wallace Brown, Big Huge Games artificial intelligence game programmer; Zack Maldonado, Big Huge Games server software engineer; and Jeremy Neal, Terbium Labs software engineer
A packed house at the Videology offices for the Super Meetup
Super networking at the Super Meetup. Mission accomplished.
Folks from a number of tech businesses and other industries mixed and mingled at the Super Meetup.
Massive Meeting & Greeting (July 12, 2016) Folks from the tech world and related industries crammed the offices of Videology for the aptly named Super Meetup, put on by Videology and There, they ate, drank and pursued the evening’s main purpose – networking.