Crustacean Celebration – SMPS
Pictured (LtoR) Nichole McGuire, SMPS special events chair; and Gayle James, Koffel Associates business development manager
Pictured (LtoR) Ree Miskimon, SMPS president elect; Michael Fisher, Site Resources prinicipal; Pipper Mosley, Michael Baker International business development director; and Ben Caplan, Strategic Factory director of business development
Pictured (LtoR) Robert Carter, Heery International senior project manager; Chris Crase, Gilbane project engineer; Zig Schmidt, Gilbane marketing/business development intern; and Garrett Kingston, Aria Environmental marketing intern
Pictured (LtoR) Sara Goins Floura Teeter Landscape Architects marketing manager; Korey Rubeling BKM business development manager; Lauren Schrumpf, Koffel Associates fire protection engineer; and Bianca Girazian, The Structural Group marketing coordinator
Pictured (LtoR) Natasha Kearney, Gipe Associates marketing director; Kaitlin Pravetz, GWWO Inc./Architects business development manager; and Shan-té Fields, Cenero business development specialist
Pictured (LtoR) Michele Twilley, Aria Environmental president; and Jessica Reid, Mueller Associates director of business development
Pictured (LtoR) Harry Pettoni, Schrader Broup Architecture principal; Nick Wilson, MK Consulting Engineers vice president; Kristen Kearby, Cho Benn Holback + Associates marketing manager; and Rob Tomcanin MK Consulting senior designer
Pictured (LtoR) Nikki Evans, Leach Wallace Associates marketing & administrative coordinator; Emily Brown, American Office new business development consultant; and Will Higgins and Lee Draper, Koffel Associates fire protections engineers
A truly crabby atmosphere!
Signs of success; almost empty drinks and piles of crab shells.
Guests mixed and mingled, with a waterfront view.
Crab and Gab (July 19, 2016) Members of the Society for Maryland Professional Services left business behind to indulge in some pleasure at its summer networking event, “Crustacean Celebration,” a crab feast at Nick’s Fish House. Steamy temperatures in the 90’s didn’t keep partygoers from enjoying the sold out event.