Baltimore Business Networking at CityFam

Pictured (LtoR) Von Vargas, Baltimore artist/producer; Rob Kowalski, CityFam CEO

Pictured (LtoR) Mary Dalanon, The Pantry Catering director of events & marketing; and Chris Nissley, Knockout Nutrition managing partner

Pictured (LtoR) David Muccioli, Aflac insurance producer; Bret Staymates, Dunbar account executive; and Twaambo M. Sibajene, Internal Makeover Cleanse holistic attorney/nutritional consultant

Pictured (LtoR) Marcus Blair, PremierConnect vice president of national programs; Vincent Sharps, Mindgrub vice president; and Arthur Fitzhugh, Baltimore City Community College assistant women’s basketball coach

Pictured (LtoR) Kimberly Neal, TranZed Apprenticeship Services president; Paul Champion, 3aaa USA president; Alex Gittings, TranZed Apprenticeship Services skills advisor; and Heidi Klotzman, event co-host

Pictured (LtoR) Pat Ahern, Halo P3 Promotions brandmaster; Shawn Carrick, Good Shepherd Services IT director; and Mike McCarthy, Trainor, Billman, Bennett & Milko attorney

Pictured (LtoR) Bobby Moore, BFIS partner; Katie Glossner, CityFam PRO project manager; and Christophe Robinson, CityFam assistant squad coordinator

Pictured (LtoR) Josh Jurkovich, CityFam production manager; Kayla Fleischfresser, Emmanuel Lutheran Church 4th & 5th grade teacher; and D.J. Oxley UPS business systems analyst
The CityFam offices were decked out in a tropical theme for the party.
Party South Pacific Style (July 28, 2016) The CityFam Marketing & Promotions offices offered a taste of a tropical paradise for the Baltimore Business Networking July event. Folks mingled under inflatable palm trees, enjoying appetizers and drinks.