WE ARE ORLANDO – Towson Arts Collective

Pictured (LtoR) Jerry Dadds, Baltimore-based artist; and Richard Dinges, TAC artist in residence/documentary filmmaker

Pictured (LtoR) Alice Dvoskin, TAC board vice president; and Phil Dvoskin, Baltimore-based photographer

Pictured (LtoR) Elizabeth Elder, Baltimore area artist; and Mike Butshcer, TAC board member

Pictured (LtoR) Rachel Horner, show curator; and Kimberly Painter, show artist

Pictured (LtoR) Jesse Roberts, University of Maryland School of Social Work masters student; and Edwin Remsberg, TAC board member/show artist

Pictured (LtoR) Helmut Licht, Baltimore-based artist; and Diane Margiotta, TAC board president
Some of the artwork in the show
For those who missed the opening night reception, they can still see the WE ARE ORLANDO exhibition through September 30.
Picture this….

Some of the artwork in the show

For those who missed the opening night reception, they can still see the WE ARE ORLANDO exhibition through September 30.
Love & Healing (September 9, 2016) Art exhibition and auction WE ARE ORLANDO kicked off with an opening night reception at the Towson Arts Collective EBC Arts Center. The show – benefiting the families of victims of the Pulse shooting in Orlando, Florida and organized by curator Rachel Horner and Gallery 788 – featured work by local artists highlighting LBGTQ themes tied to those of unity and community.