Holiday Party – Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce
December 20, 2017 – 10 Light

Pictured (LtoR) John Dinkel, Dinkel Business Development principal; Hannah Callihan, Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce board member; and Richard Craft, Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce incoming board chair

Pictured (LtoR) George Collins, African American Firefighters Historical Society president; Catherine Dorsey, Dorsey & Cooper Realty owner/broker; and Charles Morton, C. Morton Mobile Dry Cleaners owner

Pictured (LtoR) Kurt Sommer, Baltimore Integration Partnership director; and Eric Thompson, BB&T assistant vice president of community business development office

Pictured (LtoR) David Couture, The Charles bartender; Lia Evans, The Charles marketing & events manager; and Steve Braun, Search Consultants Internationl president/CEO

Pictured (LtoR) Yvette Clark, Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce chair; Bryant Jenkins, State Farm agent; and David Michals, US Environmental Protection Agency computer scientist

Grace Mudrick, human resources consultant, wore her holiday spirit on her sleeve – and all over her suit – for the party

Pictured (LtoR) Kendrick Tilghman, Greater Baltimore Black Chamber of Commerce president; and Eben Frederick, Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce president

Pictured (LtoR) Randy Beckford, Garrison Forest School English teacher; and William Beckford and Linda Foy, Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce board members

Several dozen members and guests of the Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce enjoyed a birdseye view of the city at night in 10 Light’s Sky Lounge, while exchanging season’s greetings with fellow members at the Chamber’s holiday party.