Expressions – Stage One
Benefits Baltimore School for the Arts
March 6, 2018 – @Baltimore School for the Arts

Expressions – Stage One is Baltimore School for the Arts’ Tuesday night fundraiser; a shorter, more casual version of the Expressions Gala, which took place the previous Saturday night (and can be seen at

The evening unfolded in three acts: mingling in the cocktail hour, then a show by BSFA students, and capped off with an after-party.

Pictured (LtoR) Cashmere Interior colleagues: Lauren Jaques, interior designer; Kristina Molnar, operations manager; Whitney Wallin, interior designer; and Charlene Petersen, owner

Pictured (LtoR) Jon Adler Kaplan, Baltimore-based health coach; and Bruce Blitch, American Airlines flight attendant

Pictured (LtoR) Deborah Baer, Baltimore-based psychotherapist; Michael Reed, Maryland Court of Special Appeals judge; Peter Kannam, Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners vice chair; and Sonya Kannam, Hampstead Hill Academy librarian

Pictured (LtoR) Olympia Ross, BSFA alumna/Sinai Hospital director of case management; Kirsten Rook, BSFA fine arts teacher; Stephen Kent, retired BSFA head of visual arts; and Jackson Peyton, forensic psychologist

Pictured (LtoR) Parents of BSFA alumnae: Art Jackson, retired law enforcement official; Dee Jackson, Baltimore city school teacher; and Carla Hopkins, Johns Hopkins University administrator