OSI-Baltimore “20th Anniversary Event”
Benefiting Open Society Institute-Baltimore
June 13, 2018 – Center Stage

At the OSI-Baltimore “20th Anniversary Event,” folks enjoyed a little networking outside Center Stage’s Head Theater before going inside to hear featured speaker Vanita Gupta, Leadership Conference of Civil and Human Rights president/CEO.

Pictured (LtoR) John Nethercut, Public Justice Center executive director; Munib Lohrasbi, OSI-Baltimore community fellow; and Robin Murphy, Disability Rights Maryland executive director

Pictured (LtoR) Thomas L. Pollock, University of Baltimore student; and Michael L. Sanow, Community College of Baltimore County professor

Pictured (LtoR) M. Celeste Amato, The Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers president; and Bill Clarke, OSI-Baltimore board chair

Pictured (LtoR) Christy Macy, freelance writer; Jon McGill, Baltimore Curriculum Project academic director; and Taylor Branch, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian/OSI-Baltimore board member/event emcee

Pictured (LtoR) Diana Morris, OSI-Baltimore director, with OSI-Baltimore board members: Jamar Brown; John Meyerhoff, event presenter; and Veronica CoolÂ