1405 Point Grand Opening

1405 Point Grand Opening

Hosted by Beatty Development Group

July 11, 2018 – 1405 Point

Beatty Development Group hosted dozens of Baltimore business leaders, VIP’s, and residents at its official “Grand Opening” celebration of 1405 Point.

Guests gathered on the Harbor Point apartment building’s 11th floor pool patio for cocktails and eats, courtesy Vida Taco, which would be holding it own official opening in the building that weekend.

Proud day for the Beatty family

Pictured (LtoR) Rollie Beatty, Loyola University student; Max Beatty, JLL project manager; Nathalie Beatty, design consultant; Michael Beatty, Beatty Development Group president; and Alex Beatty, Kenyon College student

Pictured (LtoR) Jim Rodgers, Vanderweil Engineers mechanical engineer; and Patrick Murphy, Vanderweil Engineers director of sustainable design

Pictured (LtoR) Lorax Partnerships sustainability consultant; James Schloss, Baltimore area project manager; and Katie Fink, Lorax Partnerships Lorax business development manager

Pictured (LtoR) Sarena Raimondo, Kettler marketing specialist; Richard French, Assured Protection Harbor Point account manager; Tiffany Banks, Kettler assistant property manager; and Savannah Porter, Kettler marketing specialist

Pictured (LtoR) Dr. Ryan Meyer, Johns Hopkins Hospital physical medicine & rehabilitation resident; and Andrea Leiken, Banfield Clinic veterinarian

Pictured (LtoR) Heidi Klotzman, HeidnSeek Entertainment president; and Zoƫ Jones, freelance fashion stylist

Pictured (LtoR) Ayana Lugo, Curio Wellness director of business development; Julia Summers, Lucky Fox Studios owner/photographer; Leidy Veloz, A-List hairstylist; and Ariel Lewis, A-List CEO

Sloane Brown

Baltimore's longtime fashion and social scene reporter, Sloane is the founder/managing editor of Baltimore Snap.