Crocuses pushed through winter’s cold earth like proud ballerinas. Bright yellow jonquils gave a nod to shocking pink tulips and suddenly, Baltimore realized that spring had arrived. Nature’s colors were wildly reflected on the streets. Glorious prints mimicked budding gardens. Whimsical polka dots and neon color brought brilliant smiles to Baltimore faces. So echoed the ambassadors of the true spirit of spring in our fair city.
Rose tattoo designed arms, bright orange jeans, a flashing smile – all beget a colorful ode to spring. (Snapped on Shakespeare Street)
A victory sign indeed for this hipster fashionista. (Snapped on Thames Street)
This shocking pink jacket brings a bit of wicked chic to any workplace. (Snapped on Exeter Street)
Fearless fashion flows into a breezy moment on a Fells Pt street corner. Ready to fly! (Snapped at Harbor Point)
Tiffany blue sky. Elvis blue suede booties. Audrey Hepburn picture hat. And flighty polka dots. An Audrey moment in time!! (Snapped at Frederick Douglas Pier, Fell’s Point)
A floral flash with timeless glamour and a brilliant smile, giving life to old cobblestone streets. (Snapped on Bond Street)
Ah, the Power of Love. Floral slip dress – and possibly a bit of champagne – cause pheromones to blossom. And, voila! Love in the afternoon. A perfect spring moment. (Snapped on Thames Street)
Bespoke street style: baseball cap, jeans, army jackets, satchels…and brilliant smiles. All bringing cred to these kindred spirits. (Snapped on Thames Street)
Glorious day. Glorious smile. Glorious LBD and baby blue stilettos. Glorious gal. Hello, Fashion Moment! (Snapped on Broadway Square, Fell’s Point)
A gal in playful polka dots. Another in a sleek black and white combo. Both with peek-a-boo sexy slits make these two “besties” fashion standouts. (Snapped on Thames Street)
Gals simply cannot have enough flowers in their lives. Note the stuning floral stilettos. Truly a “ Garden of Earthly Delights”. (Snapped at Frederick Douglass-Isaac Myers Maritime Park)
Vogue comes to Baltimore! What more can I say? And that’s how we roll in Baltimore, folks!
Sloane Brown
Baltimore's longtime fashion and social scene reporter, Sloane is the founder/managing editor of Baltimore Snap.