Street Style: Summer Scoots Away

Street Style: Summer Scoots Away

Baltimore has new wheels! “The Bird” is taking over. I’m not talking the one with the baseball team. I AM talking the latest transport app sensation. Jump on, jump off, and leave the scooter when done, wherever. (To the chagrin of many) Young, old, dressed in suits or shorts or tatters, everyone is having a ball. Groups of folks scoot happily by. It seems to be the new romantic catalyst, as couples turned to each other for a scooter consult. Speaking of summer romance, our farmer’s markets – replete with peaches, plums, gleaming veggies and blooming flowers – brought smiles to all, including canoodling couples and a few felines to boot.  Street artists and musicians round out the carnival atmosphere that the farmer’s market evokes.  In August, we urbanites keep it cool and casual – decked in shorts, T-shirts, sparkles and skirts – but, never tire of displaying that unique quirky spirit that speaks Baltimore.

Matchy matchy on the dispatch-y! (Seen on Dock Street)

Brightening up a construction site (Seen on Eden Street)

Cat Woman. Woman Cat. (Seen at Broadway Farmer’s Market, Fell’s Point)

Street beat. Sweet. (Seen at Broadway Farmer’s Market, Fell’s Point)

Her outfit reflects her music: it rocks! (Seen at Broadway Farmer’s Market, Fell’s Point)

Bitchin black, always chic! (Seen in Harbor East)

Geek chic (Seen on President Street)

Branding taken to next level & owning it! (Seen on President Street)

Flinty Fash. (Seen on 36th Street)

Orange is the new black, for sure! (Seen on 36th Street)

As cool as Coltrane. (Seen on Fleet Street)
And that’s how we roll in Baltimore!

Sloane Brown

Baltimore's longtime fashion and social scene reporter, Sloane is the founder/managing editor of Baltimore Snap.